We have a confession to make. The ladies over at Handmade Loves have been disorganized lately. We have had a ton on our plates lately—and not all of it has to do with Handmade Loves. We wanted to give you a little behind the scenes peek at what’s going on in our worlds to put into context why things have been a bit chaotic!
Our founder, Emily, is a mommy and a wife based out of Colorado. She goes over thousands of applicants to ensure Handmade Loves features the best makers out there. Along with that, she has been working on an E-book, The Handmade Loves Guide to Instagram Success: How to Build an Audience and Make Sales. She keeps our site running smoothly and is always trying to bring you new and relevant content and resources. Every time we talk, she’s got a new idea to make Handmade Loves better. She is truly looking out for the makers in our community.
Then we have Eve, who is also based out of Colorado. She is in charge of marketing. She schedules the days and times the features go out, and she works with makers to ensure the best product photo is selected. She keeps our instagram feed looking gorgeous! She writes up instagram captions, edits and formats the Meet the Maker blogs, writes product reviews, and manages our facebook and twitter. Eve is a goddess, and she has other clients and does private consulting as well! Eve is also an outdoor enthusiast, traveler and dog momma. Not to mention a very sweet and loving human. She is a busy lady, that’s for sure!
And finally, there is me, Kari. I live in California. I am relatively new to Handmade Loves, and if we’ve corresponded, maybe you’ve picked up on that. I write Thoughtful Thursday posts, invoice and email makers, and pick up miscellaneous tasks here and there. I also have my own business called Karing Vibes where I create onesies, cards and prints. I do my best to market my own art, and I have sold to a few stores and participated in trunk shows and pop ups. I am looking forward to reading Emily’s book because I know it will be super helpful. Along with Karing Vibes, and my work with Handmade Loves, I am also a clinical psychology graduate student. I am in my second year and will be starting my traineeship as a school counselor in September. I am in for quite the hectic schedule when it starts!
As you can see, Handmade Loves has three busy, unique and creative girl bosses working behind the scenes. So sometimes things get chaotic. A couple weeks ago, we had a group e-mail titled, “Ok, I’m officially confused.” We had to get ourselves in order and clear up any oversights. I think things will be running much more smoothly from here on out.
We thought it was important to write this post because we wanted to be transparent. Everyone gets a little disorganized at times, so take it easy on yourself when things get overwhelming. Set up a list of priorities, be open to receiving help, and keep a dialogue open with the people involved. There’s some trial and error involved, but can do it!
Keep in Touch
Kari van den Eikhof
Instagram: @Karingvibes
Eve Godat
Instagram: @evegodat
Emily Strom
email: hello@handmadeloves.com