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The Blog

Handmade Loves news. Hot off the press.

Lily Cole Designs | Meet the Maker

By | Meet the Maker | One Comment

Well Handmade world, you’ve done it again! This week, we cannot wait to introduce you to Maggie Ball, maker & creator of Lily Cole Designs. Not only is she talented, Maggie enables her craft to tell stories through creating customizable posters to handwriting memories into pieces of art. It is only fitting to share her story with you today on Memorial Day as her newest creative journey encompases love letters written during World War II.

Read more & be inspired by Maggie and her creativity! We absolutely were.

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New Kid on the Blog

By | Thoughtful Thursday | One Comment
Hello Handmade Loves,

My name is Kari van den Eikhof, and I am the artist behind Karing Vibes. A few months ago, I was featured as a guest blogger for Handmade Loves. Those posts were so fun to write, and the process provided me with a new avenue for creative expression. I am excited to announce that Handmade Loves has provided me with another fabulous opportunity. Starting this month, I will be the author of Thoughtful Thursday—right here on the Handmade Loves blog!

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Maker Crush Monday | JustineAnne

By | Meet the Maker | No Comments

One amazing part of what we do here at Handmade Loves is interact and get to know all the talented makers in charge of their small businesses. Our meet the maker pieces really allow us to show others just how incredible our makers are, not just with their crafts but with their perseverance and inspiration stories. Today’s maker crush Monday is all about this: strength, tenacity & passion.

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Little Paper Flowers | New Obession

By | Product Reviews | No Comments

Paper Flowers. I wasn’t convinced. I started searching our fabulous handmade Instagram and my opinion was immediately changed. Every flower more beautiful than the next. It was amazing! Luckily, I had an email waiting for me from Erica, the magical maker behind Little Paper Flowers. A short week later, I had a beautiful bouquet waiting for me at home. And let me tell you… paper flowers are just as fantastic to receive as true flowers.  Read More

Why You Should Give

By | Food For Thought, Tips & Tricks | No Comments
I started Handmade Loves because I am passionate about shopping small, buying handmade, and supporting artisans. When Handmade Loves turned the ripe old age of one, I reflected upon my business. There was something missing. I knew I loved the business. I knew that I wanted to continue to build it. But, I also knew I wasn’t feeling completely fulfilled. I took a serious look at what I needed to do to keep the business growing in a positive direction.  After some reflecting,  the answer was clear to me: I wasn’t giving for the sake of giving!

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