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The Blog

Handmade Loves news. Hot off the press.

Summer DIY – Crafts!

By | DIY, Thoughtful Thursday | No Comments

When I was a little girl, my summer break always started off with a trip to Michaels. My mom wanted to make sure I had something productive to do, so we would stock up on some DIY projects. These projects were intended to last for a couple weeks, but I was usually finished within a couple of days. Once I started, I became consumed—similarly to how I am now, actually.

I wanted to list a few of my favorite crafty projects that are perfect for summer vacation. These are my childhood favorites, but they can totally be transformed into adult activities too! Read More

Compliment Yourself | Thoughtful Thursday

By | Thoughtful Thursday | No Comments

Happy Thursday! Eve here, filling in this week for our resident ‘Thoughtful Thursday” blogger, KaringVibes. I have been thinking a lot about what I would like to share with you all today, but instead of offering a tip, or a thought, I wanted to actually take my time to applaud each of you and remind you all to pat yourselves on the back.

We are complimented by others frequently. However, we forget to compliment ourselves, even though, we tend to be our harshest critics. So, I’m here to quote a little Justin Bieber and remind you to love yourself.  Read More

My E-book Is Finally Done: Behind the Scenes

By | Small Business Tips | 15 Comments

It’s finally done! I wrote my first e-book. Well, it’s almost done. There is some fine-tuning to be done before I release it. This 20 lesson e-book took me forever to write. But, I did it! I’m excited, and I want to share one of the lessons I learned about perseverance and creative blocks while writing this.

Listen to this quick video to learn what it is all about and what I learned! I also, had a crazy idea right before I filmed this. I want to create some bonus lessons based on your questions! So, I need your help. Leave all your burning questions below. I can’t wait to create some bonus content for you!

Creative Burnout

By | Food For Thought, Thoughtful Thursday, Uncategorized | No Comments
Last week, I finished my 4th quarter of graduate school. I was so excited for a three-week break. I was planning on doing some painting, writing, and other fun crafty things. But when my last final was turned in, and the first school free Monday came around, I felt like doing nothing! I didn’t want to write. I didn’t want to paint. I didn’t want to do anything creative. All I wanted to do was lounge around and watch Netflix. I was experiencing the dreaded creative burnout!!

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