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The Blog

Handmade Loves news. Hot off the press.
Karing Vibes founder Kari

Guest Blogger | Karing Vibes

By | Food For Thought, Guest Bloggers, Meet the Maker, Tips & Tricks

As many of you may know, we have been so honored to open our blog to guest writers!

We believe this is a unique opportunity for our handmade family to find creativity in another outlet and to expand their audience and reach!

Meet Kari van den Eikhof, the amazing talent behind Karing Vibes. Her blog submission was our very first and it could not have been more perfect. Writing from the heart and with such a definitive voice, Kari’s tip this week tells us that “letting go of expectations and rules has changed my artwork and has opened the floodgates of creativity.

Follow Kari and her amazing art on Instagram: @karingvibes

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Build Your Brand This Holiday Season

By | Food For Thought, Tips & Tricks
Tis’ the season to leverage and build your brand. The holidays are a prefect time to push the boundaries of your handmade business. According to Google Consumer Survey, up to 40% of yearly sales are generated during the holiday selling season.

Why are the holidays an optimal time of year to market your brand? The holidays embody thankfulness, reconnecting, and giving. These virtues also lend themselves to great business principles.

Read below to find out three easy ways to leverage your brand this holiday season.

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Guest Bloggers Needed

Guest Bloggers Wanted | Handmade Loves

By | Food For Thought, Meet the Maker, Product Reviews, Tips & Tricks

Vendors, Makers, Artists, Writers, Influencers… come one, come all! Guest Bloggers Wanted!

We are launching a guest blogger column on our blog and who better to ask, then all of you talented individuals!

The sky is the limit creatively and will bring you and your small business plenty of exposure and recognition! From filming your own DIY projects, writing your own ‘Meet Our Maker’ piece, to making custom Handmade Loves pieces and sharing your production process! You may have other ideas as well, and that is wonderful! We are open to them all.

If interested, email hello@handmadeloves.com or tag someone below you think would be perfect.

Looking forward to all the collaborations!

Searching for Guest Bloggers
Handmade Loves Birthday Giveaway Week

Birthday Giveaway Week!

By | Events, Giveaways

We can’t believe that Handmade Loves is one! To celebrate we are having a week chalked full of giveaways. Follow us on Instagram all week long. You never know when a new giveaway will pop-up.

This next year is sure to be full of exciting new adventures, projects, and ideas. We can’t wait to share them all with our handmade community.

Thanks for celebrating with us!

Instagram: @handmadeloves

What We Look For In An Instagram Feature

By | Food For Thought, Tips & Tricks

Want to be featured on our Instagram?

We are always looking for handmade businesses to feature on our Instagram account. One of our favorite things is looking through all of the wonderful feature applications that we receive! It is amazing how many talented makers there are.  With the influx of applications, we have to be selective of who we feature. We want to give you an idea of what we look for when picking new features. 

Below are 3 things to keep in mind when applying for a Handmade Loves Instagram feature!

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