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The Blog

Handmade Loves news. Hot off the press.

How to Market Your Web Shop

By | Guest Bloggers, Tips & Tricks | 5 Comments
If you are one of those people who is always coming up with cool jewelry, innovative clothing designs, or similar handmade masterpieces, you have probably considered selling your DIY art by now. Marketing handcrafted items online is a far more cost-efficient option than renting out a brick-and-mortar store, but it does require a bit of research and planning. Here are a few simple tips to help get you started as an online handicraft entrepreneur within weeks. Read More

Back to Basics with Hope Learning Toys

By | Meet the Maker, Product Reviews | No Comments

In an age where everything around us beeps and lights up, I have to make a conscious effort to provide my daughter with toys and experiences that are basic, not battery operated and don’t have a screen. There is so much research out there that explains the importance of limiting screen time and getting back to the basics with toys. So, I was so excited to receive a package from Hope Learning Toys for my daughter.

I want to give you a little background about Heather, the founder and creator of Hope Learning Toys because this is what makes her products so spot-on and so much more than just toys.

Heather was an elementary educator for ten years with a passion for literacy development. The decision to become a stay at home mother allowed her the time to create unique sensory learning products. The mission of Hope Learning Toys is to nurture children’s curiosity and cultivate a love of learning.

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Three Tips for Managing Stress

By | Food For Thought, Tips & Tricks, Treat Yourself, Uncategorized | 5 Comments

Ever let the stress of running a business get the best of you? As small business owners, we are constantly pulled in several directions. If things are not kept in perspective, it can become overwhelming very quickly.

As you may or may not know, Handmade Loves is going through a huge growth spurt and we are going to be offering a variety of new (and free) resources for makers. In preparing for the changes, I was becoming more and more stressed. Then it dawned on me. I have been setting false deadlines. Of course, I want to keep things moving, but I had to step back and realize: I’m just one person. No one is expecting me to get things done today. I was putting pressure on myself.

Always in search of ways to remain calm, happy, and healthy, I found these strategies helpful:

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Plan My Wedding! | Handmade Etsy Sellers

By | Events, Guest Bloggers

Handmade Wedding!

Our friend Dani from the Handmade Seller and her fiance have decided to let handmade Etsy sellers help plan their wedding as a way to get more exposure to handmade products!

They will be picking as many handmade items as possible for their wedding, but the goal is to spread this news as far as possible so that other brides and shoppers also see it and view your amazing handmade products.
(This is for everyone, not just those who sell wedding items)

It’s all taking place through Pinterest, so it’s super easy! Read More